
Dual Durometer Bulb Trim Seal Manufacturer Supplier Factory from China

Dual Durometer Bulb Trim Seal Manufacturer Supplier Factory from China

Bulb trim are dual durometer rubber seals with separate bulb and retainer sections. Bulb trim seals come in various materials which include but not limited to: Dense and Sponge EPDM, vinyl and PVC. Trim seals typically have reinforced carriers using a flexible wire core or flexible segmented steel core. These rubber seals are placed on the window, door or truck body to allow for water and weather resistance.

Dual Durometer Bulb Trim Seal

BingYau has the expertise to co-extrude double bulbs, add butyl to the trim, add slip coating, and use multiple materials and densities.

Buyers of bulb trim seals need to consider specifications such as seal dimensions and weight, durometer and shape, and rubber compound. Depending upon the application and industry, parameters such as temperature range, flammability, and code compliance may be also important to consider. Although most bulb seals and trim seals are black, rubber parts with different colors are available.